

Registered Address Procedure

There are 2 types of registered address requests:

  • Requests for Own Use – the company operating from the premises via an agreement with INDIS may make a request for the same company to use INDIS premises as registered address
  • Requests for a third-party company – the company operating from the premises via an agreement with INDIS may make a request for a different company/ies to use INDIS premises as registered address

In the case of a request for use the following checks are carried out internally:

  • The Tenant occupies the Property by virtue of a valid lease agreement or an emphyteutical deed – The request will not be considered if the agreement is expired and will not be processed before any expired agreements are renewed/new allocation is granted.
  • The Tenant has no outstanding balances with INDIS. - The request will not be considered before any balances are paid off (unless any agreements are in place)
  • INDIS Management is not aware of any breaches committed by the Tenant – The request will not be considered if any breaches are reported and will not be processed before breaches are remedied.

Requests for Own Use are handled directly by approval from the office of the Executive Chairperson. The tenant shall be bound to change its registered address to an alternative location as soon as the agreement regulating the occupation of Tenant of the Premises expires or is terminated for any reason whatsoever. Should the Tenant fail to change it registered address, with immediate effect from the date of termination or expiration of the agreement regulating the occupation of the Tenant of the Premises, INDIS Malta Ltd shall inform MBR that the Tenant is no longer in operations and MBR may initiate strike off procedure.

In the case of a request for a third-party company INDIS carries out the the following internal checks:

Disclaimer: In this case, the Tenant shall be responsible to attain all the necessary authorizations and/or licenses required at law to allow the third-party company to make use of the Premises as its registered address including but not limited to any authorizations in terms of the Company Service Providers Act. With regards to this requirement, we strongly recommend that the tenants seek professional legal advice as to whether the service being provided falls under the Companies Service Providers Act, to ensure that it is abiding to the obligations set out in legislation.

  • The Tenant occupies the Property by virtue of a valid lease agreement or emphyteutical deed. The request will not be considered if the agreement is expired and will not be processed before any expired agreements are renewed/new allocation is granted.
  • The Tenant has no outstanding balances with INDIS. The request will not be considered before any balances are paid off (unless any agreements are in place).
  • INDIS Management is not aware of any breaches committed by the Tenant. The request will not be considered if any breaches are reported and will not be processed before breaches are remedied.
  • The Tenant and the Third-Party Company have no warnings recorded on the Malta Financial Services Authority portal.
  • The Tenant and the Third-Party Company are up to date with the submissions to the MBR relating to the Annual Return and Accounts.

Third party company requests are brought before an internal committee for approval. The Third-Party Company shall be bound to use the Premises solely for mail, other administration purposes and the location where all important documentation pertaining the Third-Party Company is kept. The Third-Party Company shall not operate from the Premises in any manner whatsoever.

Once all the boxes are ticked; the request is processed and accepted two letters are issued: one addressed to the Tenant detailing all terms and conditions of the consent; following agreement to the first letter a second letter addressed directly to MBR is given to tenant to submit to MBR.

The following fees are applicable:
1-2 companies - €250
3-10 companies - €600
10+ companies - €1,000

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