Take your business to the next level and set up in our Industrial Estates.

How can you become an INDIS tenant?

Step 01

Initial Steps

Clients intending to commence operations within one of INDIS' industrial estates are required to submit a formal written request to Malta Enterprise.

Applications to Malta Enterprise can be made through the following links:

Industrial Space over 300sqm: [Read More]

Space for small business activities [Read More]

Step 02

Develop a Business Plan

Clients must submit a comprehensive business plan to Malta Enterprise for assessment. This plan should delineate the project details and business requirements.

Step 03

Issuance of a Letter of Intent

A Letter of Intent is a detailed document containing information about the client/company, the preferred size of industrial space, project description (including anticipated number of employees), total expenditure committed by the client, and assets invested in the company. Upon approval of the project, Malta Enterprise will issue a Letter of Intent. In case of non-approval, Malta Enterprise will formally notify the client in writing.

Step 04

Coordination with INDIS

Upon receipt of the Letter of Intent, the INDIS Property Management Unit will arrange a meeting with the prospective tenant to assess their requirements and verify the availability of suitable space. If suitable space is available, the allocation request will be raised with the Allocations Committee or Board of Directors for endorsement or otherwise.

Step 05


Once a suitable property has been identified and all necessary approvals obtained, INDIS will initiate discussions with the client to finalize the agreement.

WHY Malta?

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspLocated in the Mediterranean Sea, Malta is a thriving business destination and a favoured choice for companies seeking profitable investments. While renowned for their tourist appeal, our islands have also fostered a robust manufacturing industry. Additionally, sectors like aviation, finance, ICT, education, life sciences, and maritime have experienced significant growth in the recent years, presenting further opportunities. Key factors contributing to Malta's success include a transparent tax system, strategic location with access to regional markets, a skilled workforce, stable pro-business administrations, and English as the main language for commerce. These elements have attracted investments and continue to sustain Malta's prosperity.


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTo support economic activity and facilitate further growth, INDIS provides the essential infrastructure, such as industrial spaces for manufacturing, aviation hangars, life sciences laboratories, ICT offices, and dedicated artisan villages. Each estate provides unique benefits and tailored property solutions to meet tenants' needs. Our projects at INDIS have expanded to meet the infrastructure demands of other growing sectors in Malta, examples being the Malta Life Sciences Park, Gozo Innovation Hub, and the Safi Aviation Park. All INDIS projects prioritize innovation and incorporate green initiatives for a better working and visiting environment.


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAt INDIS, we understand the importance of support services for tenants, and so, besides providing industrial space, we also assist in the development and provide tenants with many services, as you may see here [link to services]. Additionally, tenants can find support from other organizations in Malta, such as Malta Enterprise, which, like INDIS, aims to attract foreign investment and promote the development of innovative enterprises. It offers customized services, including fact-finding visits, information provision, support schemes, and financial incentives to facilitate business set-ups and growth in Malta. Business First [Read More], a service provided by Malta Enterprise, serves as a single contact point for businesses, offering administrative services through agreements with public entities. For companies looking to access other markets, TradeMalta [Read More] provides services tailored to internationalize their business.

construction industry

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspMalta offers excellent logistical infrastructure to support businesses, enhancing its advantageous location. The Malta International Airport provides frequent and direct flights to major European cities, North Africa, and the Middle East, with short flight durations of under three hours. Daily high-speed catamaran services connect Malta to Sicily, and other ferry services are available to Italy and North Africa. The country boasts port facilities in the Grand Harbour and the Malta Freeport, which is the Mediterranean's third-largest transhipment and logistics centre, and which became the first hub in the region capable of handling 18,000 TEU vessels and over on two berths, solidifying its position as a key regional hub.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing high-quality solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, we can help you achieve your goals.
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