Freedom Of
Information Act

Description of the department/directorate/entity’s structure

Description of the department/directorate/entity’s functions and responsibilities

INDIS Malta Ltd is responsible for the administration of the government-owned industrial estates and related facilities around Malta and Gozo, as well as supporting and promoting their further development.

INDIS Malta Ltd also manages the largest industrial property portfolio in Malta, spread across a number of industrial zones around the Maltese islands, which also include some industrial zones dedicated to specific sectors.

General description of the categories of documents the department/directorate/entity holds (including exempt documents)

  • HR personnel files
  • Internal Policies and Procedures
  • Employee Collective Agreement
  • HR Standard Operating Procedures
  • Tenant Files
  • Contracts

Description of all manuals and similar types of documents which contain policies, principles, rules or guidelines in accordance with which decisions or recommendations are made in respect of members of the public (including bodies corporate and employees of the public authority in their personal capacity)

  • Employee Collective Agreement
  • Internal Policies and Procedures

Statement of the information that needs to be available to members of the public who wish to obtain access to official documents from the public authority, which statement shall include particulars of the officer or officers to whom requests for such access should be sent

The FOI officers of INDIS Malta Ltd may be contacted by e-mail [email protected] or by telephone (+356) 2226 4400. FOI Requests may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] , through the FOI Portal via the e-ID or through the online form.

Details of Internal Complaints Procedure

An applicant whose request for information is refused, or who is otherwise not satisfied with the information provided, its format or the extension of the deadline for the submission of the notification indicating whether a request would be met or not, may address a complaint to the INDIS Malta Ltd.

Complaints may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected], through the FOI portal via the e-ID or through the online form. The complaint should be addressed to the Public Authority’s FOI Officer, who shall bring the complaint to the attention of the officer responsible. The officer responsible shall reply to the applicant within ten (10) working days from the receipt of the complaint. The applicant shall also be informed that he or she may appeal the decision or otherwise address a complaint to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (Cap. 496 of the Laws of Malta).

The officer responsible shall inform the applicant of the decision taken with respect to his or her complaint, and in the event of confirmation of a decision not to release the pertinent information, shall explain the reasons thereof. Whenever the applicant’s complaint is related to the format of the information provided or to an extension of the deadline for the submission of the notification indicating whether a request would be met or not by the Public Authority and the original decision is upheld, the applicant shall be given an explanation as to why his or her complaint cannot be positively addressed.

An applicant may also make use of the Internal Complaints Procedure to report failure to meet deadlines or to send notifications. In those cases where the request for information can be met, but has not been met within the deadlines specified by the Act, the officer responsible shall waive any applicable fees for the submission of information.

Other Information

Opening Hours:
  • September to July: Monday to Friday, 08:00h to 16:45h
  • August: Monday to Friday, 08:00h to 13:30h

E-mails received during the weekend shall be replied on the next working day.
Payment can be made through bank transfer, using the bank details below:
  • Bank Name: Bank of Valletta plc
  • Account No.: 40013149303
  • IBAN: MT77VALL22013000000040013149303
  • Account holder: INDIS Malta Ltd

Payment can also be made by cheque payable to INDIS Malta Ltd.

Public Authority Contact Details

A: &nbspINDIS Malta Ltd, 88, Msida Valley Road, Birkirkara BKR9020, Malta
T:  (+356) 2226 4400
E:  [email protected]

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