Security printing company to almost double its Malta facility

INDIS Malta has allocated security printing company De La Rue 12,000 sqm of industrial space, thereby enabling it to expand its facility in Malta to almost double its current size and, in so doing, generate 100 new jobs.

Plans were announced during a visit by the Hon. Prime Minister Dr Robert Abela, the Hon. Minister for Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri, and the Hon. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development Miriam Dalli.

The multi-million investment, which is also being supported by Malta Enterprise and the central Government, will transform the existing facility into the largest in the company’s portfolio.

De La Rue has been contributing to the country’s economy and its community since 1975. At present, it exports over 14 billion unique banknotes, tax stamps and other high security products from Malta to over 85 countries around the world, with the planned investments further improving its capability and production capacity.

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